01 4554380
Roll Number:19382V
Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment
Date September 2023 / December 2023
Initial Draft March 2018
Reviewed yearly
Ratified by the Board of Management Latest ratification: Ratified 28/09/2023
Adjustments made to ensure compliance with latest
guidelines RE-RATIFIED 13/12/2023
Scoil / Colaiste Eoin is a Special School l providing primary and post primary education to pupils from 3rd Class to 6th Year.
In accordance with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, the Addendum to Children First (2019), the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) and Tusla Guidance on the preparation of Child Safeguarding Statements, the Board of Management of Scoil / Coláiste Eoin has agreed the Child Safeguarding Statement set out in this document.
- The Board of Management has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017 as part of this overall Child Safeguarding Statement
- The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Debbie O’Neill
- The Deputy Designated Liaison Person (Deputy DLP) is Richie Doran
- The Relevant Person is Debbie O’Neill
(The relevant person is one who can provide information in respect of how the child safeguarding statement was developed and will be able to provide the statement on request. In a school setting the relevant person shall be the designated liaison person.) - The Board of Management recognises that child protection and welfare considerations permeate all aspects of school life and must be reflected in all of the school’s policies, procedures, practices and activities. In its policies, procedures, practices and activities, the school will adhere to the following principles of best practice in child protection and welfare:
- The school will:
○ recognise that the protection and welfare of children is of paramount importance, regardless of all other considerations;
○ fully comply with its statutory obligations under the Children First Act 2015 and other relevant legislation relating to the protection and welfare of children;
○ fully cooperate with the relevant statutory authorities in relation to child protection and welfare matters.
○ adopt safe practices to minimize the possibility of harm or accidents happening to children and protect workers from the necessity to take unnecessary risks that may leave themselves open to accusations of abuse or neglect.
○ develop a practice of openness with parents and encourage parental involvement in the education of their children; and
○ fully respect confidentiality requirements in dealing with child protection matters.
The school will also adhere to the above principles in relation to any adult pupil with a special vulnerability.
- The following procedures/measures are in place:
● In relation to any member of staff who is the subject of any investigation (howsoever described) in respect of any act, omission, or circumstance in respect of a child attending the school, the school adheres to the relevant procedures set out in Chapter 7 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised 2023) and to the relevant agreed disciplinary procedures for school staff which are published on the gov.ie website.
● In relation to the selection or recruitment of staff and their suitability to work with children, the school adheres to the statutory vetting requirements of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 and to the wider duty of care guidance set out in relevant Garda vetting and recruitment circulars published by the Department of Education and available on the gov.ie website.
● In relation to the provision of information and, where necessary, instruction and training, to staff in respect of the identification of the occurrence of harm (as defined in the 2015 Act) the school-
● Has provided each member of staff with a copy of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement
● Ensures all new staff are provided with a copy of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement
● Encourages staff to avail of relevant training
● Encourages Board of Management members to avail of relevant training
● The Board of Management maintains records of all staff and Board member training
● In relation to reporting of child protection concerns to Tusla, all school personnel are required to adhere to the procedures set out in the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised 2023), including in the case of registered teachers, those in relation to mandated reporting under the Children First Act 2015.
● All registered teachers employed by the school are mandated persons under the Children First Act 2015.
● In accordance with the Children First Act 2015 and the Addendum to Children First (2019), the Board has carried out an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while attending the school or participating in school activities. A written assessment setting out the areas of risk identified and the school’s procedures for managing those risks is included with the Child Safeguarding Statement.
● The various procedures referred to in this Statement can be accessed via the school’s website, the gov.ie website or will be made available on request by the school.
Note: The above is not intended as an exhaustive list. Individual Boards of Management shall also include in this section such other procedures/measures that are of relevance to the school in question.
- This statement has been published on the school’s website and has been provided to all members of school personnel, the Parents’ Association (if any) and the patron. It is readily accessible to parents and guardians on request. A copy of this Statement will be made available to Tusla and the Department if requested.
- This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed annually or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which this statement refers.
This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed annually or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which this statement refers.
This Child Safeguarding Statement was adopted by the Board of Management on 12th March 2018.
Reviewed and Redrafted September 2023 & December 2023
Debbie O’Neill, Principal Statia Somers, Chairperson Board of Management
Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment
Written Assessment of Risk of Scoil / Coláiste Eoin
In accordance with section 11 of the Children First Act 2015 and with the requirements of Chapter 8 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised 2023), the following is the Written Risk Assessment of Scoil / Coláiste Eoin
- List of school activities 2. The school has identified the following risk of harm in respect of its activities –
- The school has the following procedures in place to address the risks of harm identified in this assessment –
Child protection Training of School Personnel ● Indicators of harm /abuse not being recognised by school personnel
● Harm / Abuse not being reported properly and promptly by school personnel
● Risk of child being harmed in the school by a member of school personnel
● Risk of child being harmed by a volunteer / parent / person while child participating school activities
● Risk of child being harmed by a member of staff of another organisation or other person while child participating in school activities
● Risk of child being harmed in the school by another child The Provision of information and training for all school personnel
The BOM –
● Provides all school personnel with a copy of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment.
● Ensures the DES child protection procedures are made available to all school personnel
● Requires that all school personnel, mandated and non-mandated, adhere to the DES Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017
● Ensures staff avail of relevant training
a) the DLP /DDLP must avail of training provided by a professional organisation (e.g., PDST) on a regular basis – Certificate of attendance provided to the BOM
b) All school personnel are required to do the online Tusla training and provide a copy of the certificate of completion to the DLP
c) A Croke Park session will be utilised on an annual basis to address the DES child protection requirements of staff either using an outside facilitator or the PDST online training
● Encourages the board of management members to avail of relevant training
● Maintains records of all staff and board member training
Record Keeping ● Risk of Sensitive Information not being share with DLP / DDLP as required
● Risk of records of a sensitive nature not being properly secured and treated in confidence
● Risk of loss of records of a sensitive nature Record Keeping
All school personnel are required to ensure that the DLP is aware of any sensitive records e.g., child protection monitoring records they are maintaining and to ensure that all such records are kept in a secure location and are treated with the strictest of confidence.
All such records form part of the school record keeping system and must be filed with the central school records at the end of the school year or if the staff member is going on ‘leave’ e.g., maternity leave, career break etc. or is leaving the school to take up employment elsewhere.
See Scoil / Coláiste Eoin GDPR, Data Protection Policy
Recruitment of school personnel
Volunteers / Parents in school activities ● Risk of recruiting unsuitable personnel
● Indicators of harm /abuse not being recognised by school personnel
● Harm / Abuse not being reported properly and promptly by school personnel
● Risk of child being harmed in the school by a member of school personnel, by a volunteer / parent while child participating school activities, by a member of staff of another organisation or other person while child participating in school activities Garda Vetting and Recruitment of school personnel
All school personnel are required to be Garda vetted and the relevant DES circulars in relation to recruitment and Garda vetting are adhered to. Copies of staff members vetting will be gathered and stored as part of Child Protection Documents.
Best practice procedures with regard to interviewing and checking references are followed
All volunteers / parents regularly involved in school activities are Garda vetted. Copies of their Garda Vetting Certificates are kept on file as part of Child Protection Documents.
All school personnel, volunteers / parents involved in school activities are provided with a copy of the school’s Child Safeguarding and Risk Assessment Statement
Curriculum Implementation of SPHE, RSE and the Stay Safe programme ● Risk of inadequate implementation of the SPHE curriculum and the Stay Safe programme
● Risk of pupils not learning the skills and strategies necessary to protect themselves Planning for and implementation of the SPHE curriculum and the Stay Safe programme:
The school implements in full the Primary SPHE curriculum over a two-year cycle as outlined in the school plan for SPHE which can be found on the school website
Curriculum Implementation of SPHE and the Stay Safe programme
The Stay safe programme will be taught in every class over the months of October – November in Year 1 of the school’s SPHE Plan.
All teachers will revise the topics of Touches and Secrets and Telling as part of Year 2 of the SPHE plan
On completion of the Stay Safe programme all class teachers are required to sign the ‘Completion of the Stay Safe Programme’ document (available in the principal’s office).
Individual teacher planning documents must indicate when specific objectives of the SPHE curriculum, (including the Stay Safe programme) will be taught (timetabled for) and what specific objectives of SPHE, Stay Safe and RSE will be taught in that period.
The Cuntas Miosiul of individual teachers will highlight the SPHE content objectives covered, and the Stay Safe lessons covered in that month
The school implements in full the Junior Cycle SPHE curriculum (Level 2 SPHE Short Course). As a school we have decided that in order o deliver a highly effective SPHE learning experience we designate 2 staff members to the delivery of the JC SPHE Curriculum. All classes are taught in a specialized experiental workshop setting.
As a Restorative Practise school, we ensure that all students experience this crucial curriculum area in a manner that consistently develops their emotional literacy, their coping strategies and their interpersonal relationships.
Prevention and dealing with bullying amongst pupils ● Risk of harm due to bullying of child
● Risk of serious incidents of bullying not being recognised as being a child protection concern
● Risk of Pupils not having the strategies/skills to report bullying / inappropriate behaviour All school personnel are required to act in accordance with the school’s
Anti-Bullying Policy which fully adheres to the requirements of the Department’s Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools. A copy of those requirements can be accesses at:
https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/cb6966-anti-bullying-procedures-for-primary-a d-post-primary-schools/
Pupils will receive teaching on the prevention of and dealing with bullying as part of the SPHE programme
Child protection concerns that arise from serious instances of bullying amongst children must be reported to the DLP in accordance with DES Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised 2023)
Online Safety ● Risk of harm to pupils by school personnel, other adults and children The School has in place an Acceptable Use Policy for school personnel and pupils which is available on the school website www.scoileoin.ie
incident on collection of the pupil - a note will be sent home along with soiled clothing in circumstances where parent/carer is not collecting the pupil.
In any situation where the child cannot attend to themselves the parents/ carers will be notified by phone of the incident. Parents / carers will be asked if they wish to come to the school to attend to the child or if they would like staff to attend to the child.
Where a parent/ carer cannot be contacted staff will attend to the child unless the school has been specifically notified by a parent/ carer that staff in the school do not have permission to assist the child.
Two staff will attend to the child and will do so in as ‘open’ an environment as possible with due regard to the privacy of the child.
Teachers must note the incident in an Incident Report.
It is important for staff to be aware that a parent/carer may not be able to come to the school immediately should their child have a toileting accident and consideration must be given to the implications of leaving a child unattended I this situation.
Changing for Games / PE/ Swimming
● Risk of pupil being harmed by a member of school personnel or another child/ren
● Risk of an allegation being made against another child/ren or a member of school personnel In all activities that require children to change clothing staff must ensure that a balance is struck between the child’s right to privacy and adequate supervision. Pupils will be expected to dress / undress themselves. Teachers will always be present in a supervisory capacity. School staff will not take any responsibility for the dressing / undressing of pupils – except where that child’s intimate care policy requires staff assistance. The needs of pupils who require assistance will be addressed under the schools Intimate Care policy.
Staff should never do for anything of a personal nature for a child that the child can do themselves
Pupils will be encouraged to dress/undress in communal areas and will not be allowed share cubicles with anyone else. Changing for activities will not be permitted in areas where personnel other than school personnel are present.
Collection of Pupils ● Risk of pupil being harmed being allowed to leave school with an unsuitable adult or child.
● Risk of harm to a child by an adult or child Prior to the enrolment of a child and on an annual basis thereafter parents/ carers will be asked to supply the school with the names and contact details of any adult that may be collecting a pupil during the year
Outside of normal dismissal times, teachers will only release pupils to those nominated by the parent/carer or where advance notice of another adult collecting the pupil is given by the parent / carer. In the event that another person arrives to collect a child the school will endeavour to contact the
LCA students participating in Work Experience ● Risk of harm to a student
● Risk of student being harmed by another person outside of school personnel.
● Health and Safety in the work placement Prior to the student embarking on a work placement, parental permission is sought by the school.
All students are insured by the school insurer when on work placement.
Please see Work Experience policy.
● Risk of an allegation being made against another child/ren or a member of school personnel parent/carer to get their permission. Under no circumstance will staff allow a child to leave the school with another person that does not have permission to collect them. Parents can send ‘Attendance Notice’ from the Aladdin Connect App to inform the school of early collection and the person who will be collecting their child.
At the normal dismissal time of all children one of the persons nominated by the parent/ carer must collect the pupil from the nominated exit door. The school must be notified in advance if someone other than the ‘nominated’ adult will be collecting a pupil.
If a parent of a child wishes their child to walk home independently and not avail of the school bus, they must inform the school in writing and take responsibility for the child from dismissal time. This will be recorded on the child’s Aladdin profile.
Managing challenging behaviour amongst pupils, including appropriate use of restraint ● Risk of harm to a child
● Risk of an allegation being made against a member of school personnel It is the school’s intention to train as many staff as possible in the Positive Handling CPD.
The schools new Code of Behaviour is still in draft stage.
Individual Safeguarding plans /Specific Behaviour Plans are written when needed- See ‘Code of Behaviour Policy/Anti-Bully Policy /Risk
For a child at risk of fleeing, the school will conduct an Assessment for Children at Risk of Fleeing.
Parents / Guardians of pupils involved are consulted with in drawing up such plans and strategies.
Patterns of behaviour and triggers are identified where possible to try to minimise re-occurrence.
When necessary, the school will seek appropriate clinical and therapeutic supports for pupils.
Behaviour incident forms / behaviour check lists are completed for all pupils who are presenting with challenging behaviour. In addition, Incident Report forms are completed when staff or pupils suffer injury. These forms are completed by the staff involved and are reviewed and signed by the principal. In all such cases parents/guardians of all pupils involved will be notified.
Once a term, or more frequently, if necessary, a report on the management of challenging behaviour and serious /adverse incidents will be brought to the BOM by the principal.
Sporting Activities
Use of external personnel to support sports and other extra curricula activities. ● Risk of harm to a child by an adult or child
● Risk of harm not being recognised and/or reported correctly and appropriately External personnel / coaches working with pupils
In accordance with Circular No. 0042/2018 ‘Best practice guidance for primary schools in the use of programmes and/or external facilitators in promoting wellbeing consistent with the Department of Education and Skills’ Wellbeing
Travel to away Sporting Activities
● Risk of an allegation being made against another child/ren or a member of school personnel member of the teaching staff will always be present when external personnel are working with students.
All external coaches will be garda vetted.
A copy of the schools’ CSS and Risk Assessment will be provided to all external coaches
External coaches will be required to report child protection concerns to the DLP.
A teacher/s will always accompany pupils travelling to sports events.
Use of information and communication technology by pupils in school ● Risk of pupil accessing inappropriate material
● Risk of pupils being bullied through technology Appropriate filtering level is implemented by NCTE/PDST. Acceptable usage Policy for Digital Technology is implemented, and parents must sign to indicate acceptance of same upon enrolment.
Code of Behaviour is implemented. Anti-Bullying policy is implemented
Teacher supervision- use of ICT is always under direct school staff supervision.
No access to any social media platforms is possible within the school due to NCTE filtering.
Use of video/photography/other media to record school events ● Risk of pupil’s identity being inappropriately shared
● Risk of harm to a child through inappropriately sharing of information Pupil names are never used with pupil photos.
Parents give written permission for children to appear in print or online media
School personnel are required to use school devices when photographing, recording, or videoing pupils and school events
If staff use personal devices to photograph, record or video pupils and school events the data must be deleted from the personal devise after material has been uploaded, printed, or uploaded to the appropriate platform
Principal/nominated person to communicate to parents taking pictures at school events not to share them on social media.
School tours / trips ● Indicators of harm /abuse not being recognised by school personnel
● Harm / Abuse not being reported properly and promptly by school personnel
● Risk of child being harmed in the school by a member of school personnel, by a volunteer / parent while child participating school activities, by a member of staff of another organisation or other person while child participating in school activities All school trips, outings and tours will be sanctioned by the principal – in certain circumstances the principal may have to get the prior approval of the BOM e.g., trips involving an overnight stay.
Written parental consent must be given for all outings and tours.
Teaching staff must ensure that activity centers / adventure centres where pupil are being brought to have in place their own CSS and that all supervising staff in activity centres / adventure centres have been Garda vetted.
See School Trips Policy
Student teachers undertaking training placement
Transition Year Students undertaking work placement. ● Indicators of harm /abuse not being recognised by school personnel
● Harm / Abuse not being reported properly and promptly by school personnel
● Risk of child being harmed in the school by a member of school personnel, by a volunteer / parent while child participating school activities, by a member of staff of another organisation or other person while child participating in school activities Only students that are over 16 years of age and garda vetted, by the organisation placing them on work experience, will be accepted by the school or work experience.
All students will be given a copy of the school’s CSS and Risk Assessment.
In the event that students have a child protection concern or that a child makes a disclosure to them the student must report the matter to the DLP.
Care of pupils with specific vulnerabilities/needs such as:
● Members of the Traveller community Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) children
● Risk of harm to a child by an adult or child
● Risk of harm not being recognised and/or reported correctly and appropriately All school personnel are provided with a copy of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement and are required to adhere to the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised 2023)
The school implements in full the SPHE curriculum
The school implements in full the Stay Safe programme. The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which is implemented in full.
School will liaise with TUSLA re children in care and children on CPNS.
● Pupils perceived to be LGBT
● Pupils from ethnic minorities/migrants Pupils of minority religious faiths
● Children in care
● Children on Child Protection Notification System (CPNS)
● Children in temporary accommodation ● Risk of Pupils not having the strategies/skills to report bullying / inappropriate behaviour Principal/Deputy Principal will inform staff of relevant child safeguarding issues on a need-to-know basis.
Care of children with special educational needs, including intimate care where needed ● Risk of harm to a child by an adult or child
● Risk of school personnel not acting in accordance with agreed school protocols and procedures
● Risk of allegation being made against school personnel Prior to their enrolment in the school a meeting will take place between all students and their parents with the principal, relevant teachers, and special needs assistants to discuss needs and A School Support Plan is drawn up for all students and reviewed twice yearly.
Other policies and procedures
SPHE Curriculum, including the Stay Safe Programme Implementation Plan
Use of ICT/ cameras/ Mobile Phones
Acceptable Use Policy Administration of Medicine Administration of First Aid
Prevention and dealing with bullying amongst pupils
● Risk of harm to a child by an adult or child
● Risk of school personnel not acting in accordance with agreed school protocols and procedures
● Risk of allegation being made against school personnel The school has developed policies and procedures in the following related areas. All school policies are available to access on the school drive and are preloaded on every school desktop and laptop computer:
● Health and safety policy.
● Agreed disciplinary procedures for teaching staff – Teaching Council Code of Conduct
● Supervision Policy – SNA withdrawals, and intimate care of children.
● Administration of medication to pupils
Online teaching and learning remotely
● Administration of First Aid (section in Administration of Medicines Policy
● A Code of Behaviour for pupils
● An Acceptable Usage Policy for Digital Technologies
● Critical Incident Management Plan
● School Completion Policy
In undertaking this risk assessment, the board of management has endeavoured to identify as far as possible the risks of harm that are relevant to this school and to ensure that adequate procedures are in place to manage all risks identified. While it is not possible to foresee and remove all risk of harm, the school has in place the procedures listed in this risk assessment to manage and reduce risk to the greatest possible extent.
Revision History
Revision Revision/Review Date Primary Author Reason for Revision / Change Revised/Reviewed by
- September 2022 Debbie O’Neill Annual Staff and BOM review Staff and BOM
- September 2023 &
December 2023 Debbie O’Neill Redraft as per Mandatory Template 1 (incorporating the Child Protection Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment into one document Mandatory Template 1)
as part of the annual staff and BOM Review Staff and BOM
Principal (Debbie O’Neill) Chairperson of Board of Management (Statia Somers)
Mandatory Template 2: Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement
The Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) require that the Board of Management must undertake a review of its Child Safeguarding Statement and that the following checklist shall be used for this purpose. The review must be completed every year or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the Child Safeguarding Statement refers. Undertaking an annual review will also ensure that a school also meets its statutory obligation under section 11(8) of the Children First Act 2015, to review its Child Safeguarding Statement every two years.
The checklist is designed as an aid to conducting this review and is not intended as an exhaustive list of the issues to be considered. Individual Boards of Management shall include other items in the checklist that are of relevance to the school in question.
- Has the Board formally adopted a Child Safeguarding Statement in accordance with the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023)?
- Is the Board satisfied that the Child Safeguarding Statement is displayed in a prominent place near the main entrance to the school?
- As part of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement, has the Board formally adopted, without modification, the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023)?
- Does the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement include a written assessment of risk as required under the Children First Act 2015? (This includes considering the specific issue of online safety as required by the Addendum to Children First)
- Has the Board reviewed and updated where necessary the written assessment of risk as part of this overall review?
- Has the Risk Assessment taken account of the risk of harm relevant to online teaching and learning remotely?
- Has the DLP attended available child protection training?
- Has the Deputy DLP attended available child protection training?
- Have any members of the Board attended child protection training?
- Has the school appointed a DLP and a Deputy DLP?
- Are the relevant contact details (Tusla and An Garda Síochána) to hand?
- Has the Board arrangements in place to communicate the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement to new school personnel?
- Is the Board satisfied that all school personnel have been made aware of their responsibilities under the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) and the Children First Act 2015?
- Has the Board received a Principal’s Child Protection Oversight Report (CPOR) at each Board meeting held since the last review was undertaken?
- Since the Board’s last review, did each CPOR contain all of the information required under each of the 4 headings set out in sections
9.5 to 9.8 inclusive of the procedures? - Since the Board’s last review, has the Board been provided with and reviewed all records relevant to the CPOR?
- Is the Board satisfied that the records provided are anonymised and redacted as necessary to ensure that the identities of children and any other parties, including school personnel, to whom the concern or report relates are not disclosed?
- Since the Board’s last review, have the minutes of each Board meeting appropriately recorded the records provided to the Board as part of CPOR?
- Have the minutes of each Board meeting appropriately recorded the CPOR?
- Is the Board satisfied that the child protection procedures in relation to the making of reports to Tusla/An Garda Síochána were appropriately followed in each case reviewed?
- Is the Board satisfied that, since the last review, all appropriate actions are being or have been taken in respect of any member of school personnel against whom an allegation of abuse or neglect has been made?*
- Where applicable, were unique identifiers used to record child protection matters in the Board minutes?
- Is the Board satisfied that all records relating to child protection are appropriately filed and stored securely?
- Has the Board been notified by any parent in relation to that parent not receiving the standard notification required under section 5.6 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023)?
- In relation to any cases identified at question 20 above, has the Board ensured that any notifications required under section 5.6 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) were subsequently issued by the DLP?
- Has the Board ensured that the Parents’ Association (if any), has been provided with the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement?
- Has the Board ensured that the patron has been provided with the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement?
- Has the Board ensured that the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement is available to parents on request?
- Has the Board ensured that the Stay Safe programme is implemented in full in the school? (applies to primary schools)
- Has the Board ensured that the Wellbeing Programme for Junior Cycle students is implemented in full in the school? (applies to post-primary schools) N/A
- Has the Board ensured that the SPHE curriculum is implemented in full in the school?
- Is the Board satisfied that the statutory requirements for Garda Vetting have been met in respect of all school personnel (employees and volunteers)? *
- Is the Board satisfied that the Department’s requirements in relation to the provision of a child protection related statutory declaration and associated form of undertaking have been met in respect of persons appointed to teaching and non-teaching positions?*
- Is the Board satisfied that, from a child protection perspective, thorough recruitment and selection procedures are applied by the school in relation to all school personnel (employees and volunteers)?*
- Has the Board considered and addressed any complaints or suggestions for improvements regarding the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement?
- Has the Board sought the feedback of parents in relation to the school’s compliance with the requirements of the child safeguarding requirements of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023)?
- Has the Board sought the feedback of pupils in relation to the school’s child safeguarding arrangements?
- Is the Board satisfied that the ‘Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) are being fully and adequately implemented by the school?
- Has the Board identified any aspects of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement and/or its implementation that require further improvement?
- Has the Board put in place an action plan containing appropriate timelines to address those aspects of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement and/or its implementation that have been identified as requiring further improvement?
- Has the Board ensured that any areas for improvement that were identified in any previous review of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement have been adequately addressed?
As part of the overall review process, Boards of Management should also assess relevant school policies, procedures, practices and activities vis a vis their adherence to the principles of best practice in child protection and welfare as set out in the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement, the Children First Act 2015, the Addendum to Children First (2019) and the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 20223)